Who in your community would you like to support, recognize, or celebrate?

Make a Bot to give to someone in your community and spread the love, joy, and courage of the Botjoy movement.

In 2014, Gary "let go" of the Bots and invited the world to steal this idea and make their own. Letting the Bots go has reaped big surprises and delights. For example, first graders have made Brave Bots for ambulance drivers to give to sick and hurt kids and Product Designers have made Silly Bots to help someone lighten up and have fun.


In this video, you’ll find step-by-step instructions for how to make your own Bot. You can purchase supplies yourself or order a special Botjoy Kit. You can also download and print this helpful Instructions PDF. See what others are doing with their Bots, join the Botjoy Botmaker Facebook community

  • Sketch paper
    SHARPIE paint pens
    Foam paintbrush

  • Think about who you want to give your Bot to and what kind of Bot they could use?

  • Once you know who will receive your Bot and what kind, sketch out what you want your Bot to look like.

    Next, prime your pens (tap down on the tips gently on scrap paper, when you see ink flow into the tip you are good to go).

  • Start drawing your Bot on your domino.

    One recommendation is to start with light colors first, letting each color dry, add darker colors, white highlights, then finish off with final black details.

    Don’t forget to flip your domino on its edge to sign your piece of original art.

  • Using the foam brush, apply a thick, even polyurethane coat to seal your design. Let dry (about 4 hours).

  • Give your Bot to the recipient. Maybe include a little note as to what the Bot is, what it does, and why do made it for them.

    Make a plan to get your Bot to its new home by delivering your gift box in person or in the mail.



 You can purchase a kit here

Here’s How A few Members of the Botjoy Community Make Their Bots…